'........HE'S BEHIND YOU.....!'
(Well, truck me, the WTBS are offering an 'open door 'policy at last)
insert caption here:................................................................................................................. englishman.
'........HE'S BEHIND YOU.....!'
(Well, truck me, the WTBS are offering an 'open door 'policy at last)
does anyone know whatever happened to them?
i know they were moving house and was hoping to get to emans bbq but i haven't seen them post since??
Hi Ballistic- howdy doody;
I'm sure she won't mind me saying she is fine; has moved in and is settling in to area and jobs etc.
We said we'll try and meet up in a pub as we're very close ;geographically not physically-
(though; also being a marmite lover, if I were that way inclined, i'd obviously have to consider her as a possible option ...!!! )
just curious.. i started diving (scuba!!!
) in 1990, progressing to advanced instructor with the british sub aqua club (equiv.
3 star instructor cmas).
I've never dived (?), dove (?), doved (?) with a tank.
I like snorkeling though.....( what a great word !!!.)......
missing girls: two arrestedtwo people have been arrested on suspicion of the murders of missing schoolgirls holly wells and jessica chapman.the arrests follow a police search of a soham village college in cambridgeshire and a nearby house which uncovered "items of major interest".a 28-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of the girls' abduction and murder and a 25-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of both girls' murders.
they were arrested in cambridgeshire around 4am and taken to separate police stations.
Hey ISP how's things?
To be honest;I feel guilty just thinking that he's not there- i've never said that before (no lightening bolts yet)but if he's not going to DO anything about anything that's important to us...why bother asking us to pray at all? I'd probably get the same odds if I asked my cat.
There was a piece in the Times yesterday about conspiracy theories and the frequency of coincidence on this planet.It seems when you look at the facts, coincidences are really very common and only get some significance, claiming to be a conspiricy theory for example when someone is looking for a link or an overall worldwide view to link it all together.
I t seems to me that the answering of prayers is just one big coincidence-as you're waiting and looking for an answer anyway.
The WTBS has it all wrapped up when it tells you to not expect your prayers to be answered in the way you expect them to- then on the other hand asks you to be specific!
My grandmother used to read tea-leaves and she was often spot on-fancy tea being of more practical useful than God; even though no one took it seriously!
first a little background.
i've mentioned before that my dad is actually my step-dad.
though i call him my dad, and he really is "dad" sometimes i do refer to him as my step-dad.
I hope it'll be a fantastic evening for you; all that love for you just waiting and they were never 'in the truth'? Strange that ..?!!!
I'm really excited for you Bendrr.
Update please!
missing girls: two arrestedtwo people have been arrested on suspicion of the murders of missing schoolgirls holly wells and jessica chapman.the arrests follow a police search of a soham village college in cambridgeshire and a nearby house which uncovered "items of major interest".a 28-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of the girls' abduction and murder and a 25-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of both girls' murders.
they were arrested in cambridgeshire around 4am and taken to separate police stations.
Hi ISP; it beggars belief ,dos'nt it? The woman was holding a card to the camera that the girls' had made her when she left the school.
My neighbour and I watched alot of coverage last night, neither of us could sleep properly- then she called today in tears.I feel bereaved today- so tearful and ill.(i've bought my children and neices alarms)The police said that they were particularily interested in the caretaker because he seemed to be involving him self 'too much'.Is'nt it disgusting how they associate themselves with the inquiry?Is that part of the kick?
I can honestly say that as of today i'm basically athiest.
The millions of prayers that went up for those two little girls were all ignored.Along with their own screams.
So too, were the anguished cries of the parents-the distress of their families ,school friends, and the nation as a whole.What kind of God decides not to step in , in a situation like this?
I'm not a god- but if I had a measure of the power and influence he claims to be in posession of, i'd use it.
How can I respect a god that is less compassionate than I am?
There will be more prayers tomorrow- more church services-ever get the feeling noone's listening?
we've just got back from out holidays after travelling with 2 young kids for 24+ hours and logged on to see the same old people complaining about the same old things with the same worn out arguments.. the topics seem to be along the lines of:posters should be allowed to say anything they want.we want absolute free speech and seem to be under the mistaken illusion that the usa has it.there is mass moderation happening on this forum and censorship is rife.
... and so on.. all of these claims are utter crap as far as i am concerned.. now, i am not going to put up with people trying to stir things up and interfere with the majority of posters who want to use this forum properly and see me and moderation as the main topic of conversation.. keep harping on and you will be deleted.
Hi Simon and Angharrad; glad you had such a good time over there.
Hope all this trouble dos'nt stop you sorting out your jet lag.Go to bed and they'll have calmed down by the morning,I expect they were just playing up 'cos they missed you !
And you thought you only had two children...
is there anything that could make you go back?.
what do you think, is there any change of belief or change of circumstance that could make you return to the jw fold?.
i cant see anything that could make me go back,but i was thinking mabye some of you religious types would go back if they changed some doctrinal things,or if they stopped banning blood.. how about if a family member was dying and hoped to see you in paradise would you go back for a while just to make them feel happy?
Sentinel;that was such a sad story-did she really say that? i'm sorry.
Perhaps she quite enjoyed the 'time off', perhaps the comment on how you're going to die at the great A day was thrown in for good measure to keep her feeling holy-I was informed of my imminent death on many occasions....if she came to stay often she'd be basically inactive ...!? Good luck ...
I'd go back to 'distribute' silentlambs literature-but only as far as the gate-I call it the confetti literature arrangement.
Past the gate my stomach would give up it's contents.
well, in between my last post on corporate brainwashing an hour or so ago and now, i just managed to get myself a new role within the charity that i work with on a daily basis (http://www.selfdirection.org).
although not full time, i am upto 26hrs p/w.
my job title is enabler and trainer for individuals with severe handicaps and/or severe learning difficulties.
Hey Mark;
It's nice to know someone thinks you're 'The Best', is'nt it?!
(silly question!0Will you be celebrating tonight?!
essential items for a nerdy 16 year old about to embark on a career of dubbism:.
swiss army knife, standard wtbts / nato issue... englishman.
Looking good so far ,eh?!
I forgot the umbrella....